This site is dedicated primarily to exploring the history of the iconic Fairbairn-Sykes Fighting Knife (commonly known as the British Commando knife), the many variants of that weapon, and the brave men and women who trained with it, carried it, and whose valor made it famous.
Something slightly different. A wonderful tribute to the cutler's trade. Pooley Sword has carried on the Wilkinson Sword legacy and brought it to a pinnacle of the Art. I have recently been in contact with people at Pooley Sword in England. They produce some of the finest military swords on the planet! Even if you are not into such weapons, I heartily reccommend that you visit their site and see how beautifully designed and executed their swords are. There are other sword manufacturers around the world but I have yet to see any whose products equal the quality of Pooley Sword. pooleysword.com/ I also suggest you watch the terrific videos hosted on the their home page. Everything they do exudes quality.
Delivery of My Books
Please Note that it is taking up to 3 weeks for delivery of my book to New Zealand and Australia! I don't know why. Planes don't fly that slow below the equator do they? Or maybe they go through a cosmic wormhole? Anyway it is beyond my control and for the postage they charge it is disgusting. Thanks to all my patrons from Down Under and in Great Britain for their patience and purchases.
Does anyone recognize this model of Wilkinson knife? It is tiny, about 7 inches overall length. The blade is about 3.5 inches long. The grip is checkered ebony, and the ornate pommel is cast brass. To me it has the look of an Edwardian piece? If you have any info please email me at: [email protected] Thanks
Ben Carroll of Canada if you see this please contact me!
NOTICE!!! I am now shipping copies of the second printing of my Clandestine Knives book and taking orders for my upcoming 2nd book. If you want to get on the list please send me your email and whether you live in the US or outside. Orders to overseas addresses are sometimes held up for weeks and I cannot be responsible for the book after it leaves the shores of the US. Sales have been very steady including copies sent to Canada, England, Scotland, Belgium, Wales, France, the Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand. Thanks to all of you for supporting our work. email me at [email protected] to get on the list for the second printing or for any of the next volumes.
Clandestine Knife BOOK REVIEWS!
- Hi David,
Just want to tell you the book arrived safely a few days ago. Thank you.
You spent a lot of work putting that book together; GREAT JOB!!!!! Very informative and useful.
Thank you again for the great book; I'm looking forward to the next one.
- Hi David just to say the book arrived today.
- Hi DaveThe book arrived today, have just started looking through it. The pictures are a fabulous resource in their own right. P.M.
- I received David Decker’s Clandestine Knives of World War II today and took the afternoon to read it. It was well worth the time. As David notes in the book there is very little information about the various OSS, SOE, Commando, SAS, LRDG, et. al. escape and close combat knives, and much of what there is, is contradictory. David does a good job of discussing the myth versus the reality and illustrating the vast array of knives that fall into that category. Because of the wide array of these types of knives it would be difficult to ever assemble a definitive book on them; however, David has come as close as I can imagine anyone coming. The information is fascinating, the photos are excellent, and writing is gripping. I highly recommend this book to anyone with an interest in World War clandestine weapons. Leroy Thompson, MO
- Hi David,
- Dave
M.W. Texas
- Dave
I received the book last week. Many examples I haven’t seen before. Very well done. Thank-you.
- Dave,
- Dave,
CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW TO GO TO MY KNIFE SALES. NOTE: It is increasingly difficult to ship double edged knives to many foreign countries. Check your laws before you ask about buying one to prevent unhappy situations. My Post Office is very strict about respecting the weapons laws of other countries and I will not lie about the contents.
.Just click the button to go to my Blog.
My Philosophy: I realize that despite my best efforts I may not get everything right here the first time. That is why there is a contact page for your input and questions. My website is a continual work in progress, a journey in search of truth through the dim pages of a World War long past and fading history.
Below: A PHOTO of two Pooley Sword knives I got a few years ago from my late friend Pete Hooker. Unfortunately Pete buggered up the finish in the blued one trying to sharpen it.
These two Pooley daggers and many others will be shown in volume Four of my books on F-S knives in my collection. It will focus on variants, odd-balls, commemorative knives, and off-shoots of the F-S genre'. In addition there will be some worthwhile "Theater-made" knives that are worth a look.
Note: I have frequent requests from visitors to give an appraisal of the value of their Commando knives. I do appreciate the interest and questions but I can only give you approximate values because there are so many variables, such as condition, model, maker, etc. So please feel free to ask me but I apologize in advance for not being able to give you exact values. Also, you may see knives like yours on an online auction site listed at much higher values than I quote. The question you must ask yourself is, are they selling them for those inflated prices? Many of these same knives have been on auction for several months or years with out selling. How do I know? Because I track them almost daily looking for knives to buy. If they weren't so overpriced I would have already bought them.
Yes I am always interested in buying and adding new knives to our collection, so you are welcome to contact me using the form on the bottom of the "contact us" page for that purpose or to just say hello. I will do my best to make you a fair offer although sometimes you must understand my cash flow is limited. I am also open to trading a modern fighting knife for your F-S knife. I have some very exotic and classic fighting knives in my other collection. Before you ask, I generally do NOT trade or sell any of my F-S or miniature knives. Below: An example of a really nice X-Dagger
As I add new photos, information, or acquire new knives I'll tell you about it right here first. Check out some new daggers by Travis Evans further down on this page!
A new J.Clarke & Son F-S knife from Ebay. Lately there aren't a lot of WW-II F-S to be found on Ebay. A lot of stuff from Pakistan. So I was happy to find this one on auction. It came with a lot of papers from the original owner who was in the USN in WW-II. This knife will be included in my volume on 2nd and 3rd pattern knives.
Below: My latest knife from Havoc works, the middle knife. a Channing Watson Witches Finger. This is a unique design something between a punch dagger and a kerambit. Enjoy the short video of this chaos machine at work. I just upgraded my Witches Finger to the copper scales. Much nicer knife now. Channing does great work!
Dave Beckerman: David Beckerman, 95, died peacefully on May 29, 2020, in his apartment in Boca Raton, Fla.
I bought this large dagger from a dealer on Ebay. The sale went well but after a week the tracking showed no movement of the item. I emailed the seller and he said he was in Texas at a show. Well I was less than pleased to hear he did not ship my knife, or let me know the situation before he took off. Sometimes people just can't figure out how to do the right thing. I did not leave him a bad review, although I was sorely tempted to do so. More pictures on the "Odds and Ends" page. Below: Steel hilted dagger of the F-S family but not a factory piece. I am not sure what to make of this piece. It is very well made but apparently not from a bayonet. If anyone has a clue as to the numbers let me know. The other side is stamped WSC/3 on the other side. Windrum owned one that was marked W/62. I wonder if they are sisters?
Travis Evans' Suicide Dagger, a reproduction of a WW-II original. Travis' work continues to improve and it was damned good to begin with! One more amazingly talented knife-maker from around the world whom I have been pleased to get to know via this website. And now, you know about him too. Watch here for examples of his work for sale.
Paul MacDonald Shanghai Daggers. As close as you can get to an original, short of paying tens of thousands of dollars. Very Nice work Paul.
DO NOT forget to click on the Main Headers i.e WW-II Commando knives, as well as the sub-headers i.e Second Pattern, and even more details under the individual categories i.e. Nickel plated, as these pop out to the right. Otherwise you will miss a lot of information and photos.
All images and written materials on this site are copyrighted as are the images in the banner at the top of the page which are courtesy of the Imperial War Museum. Materials on this website are (C) copyrighted 2013. As a courtesy, please contact us for permission to use them, as we have asked permission ourselves to use many of the photographs which are the personal property of the veterans or their heirs. Please do not ask, we do not provide exact measurements of the rarer original WW-II knives to prevent people making counterfeits of the models in our possession. That is why you do not find detailed descriptions with specific measurements.
Dear Visitors the old counter disappeared after recording over 140,000 visitors, and getting lots of great communications from all of you. We are starting out with a new counter on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23rd, 2017. We are NOW OVER 352,000 visits total! You folks are awesome!