So now we are being assaulted (again) from all sides about gun control. It is a battle that never ends. That dud in the White House says they should ban all 9mm handguns. To them everything over a .22 short is a high-powered caliber. How many times do we have to fight the battle for freedom from oppression by our own government? They say you should not be able to buy a rifle until you are 21 years old. But you can be drafted when you are 18. The same old double standard that has been going on for decades. I remember coming back from Vietnam and not being able to buy a beer in a bar. When I went to Vietnam to kill commies I was 19 years old. I could drink all the beer I wanted over there. I carried a 1911 handgun and a full-auto capable M-16 and had an AK-47, over there. How many times have our wars been started by, or expanded by, men who were never in the military, men who never served, men who bought their way out or who used college exemptions that the rest of us deplorables could not afford. Don't talk to me about white privilege, I know all about it and I'm a good old white boy. They use race and political party, gender and social position to divide us, but they don't really care about any of us. Our current administration just delivered 80 billion dollars of high tech weaponry to our enemy including thousands of full auto firearms. No accountability for that?
It galls me to see people like that "Paying tribute" to our fallen heroes. Does anyone really believe they care? It's all a photo-op, it's all about "optics" and poll numbers for them. Hundreds of thousands of men fought and died for the very freedoms the draft-dodging, marijuana smoking politicians want to stripfrom us. It's all about the old dude in the WH whose IQ is lower than his poll numbers, who greets the returning dead from Afghanistan and can't stop checking his watch, it's past his nap time. They use our survivor guilt, our compassion to create an image of caring that they themselves cannot legitimately pull off. It's all about hypocrisy to the max. We who served remember those who fell. We who came home whole remember those brothers and sisters who came home in bags or with limbs missing, minds fogged with PTSD, or worse. It makes me cringe to see creepy joe placing the wreath where brave men lie. We, the often-forgotten, honor them. I was 19 in these photos.