His email to me started out like many others: "Since you seem to be an expert", or "you ought to know better", or how about...."I cannot believe you really think these knives are legitimate", etc, etc. Then follows: "I hate to be the one to tell you that your (Pick anyone of my bayonet conversions) is a fake but someone has to tell you the difference between reality and your fantasy world". I suppose I should feel honored that such friendly advice is offered so freely. It is so rewarding to have someone advise me that the $2,500 knife he is talking about is a fake. Of course this news is always followed by their validation of: "I have been collecting these knives for 30 or 40 years." This is one way of saying: "Therefore I know better than you." I bought my first F-S in 1978 and you know what, I am still finding unique knives and prototypes, which according to these other people, are simply more fakes.
So I too have some small background in rare commando knives and WW-II conversions but I am not an expert and I am not going to email other people to straighten them out. I am happy to report the last person to contact me, and I, have restored a cordial relationship. The world of people sharing interest in these knives is small enough as it is. Even if you are an expert, it doesn't hurt to contact someone passively to share your knowledge. Make sure you are 100% right before you drop what you feel is a righteousness bomb on them. Now if they are obviously pedaling fakes for profit that is a different story altogether. Life is stressful enough, try to be kind. Stay safe and healthy during these days of lunacy. (And if your are interested I have a box of fakes to sell you!) JUST KIDDING.